Author Biographies

Laura A. Siminoff, Ph.D
Laura Carnell Professor of Public Health
Dean, College of Public Health
Professor, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Temple University
Research Expertise
Health Communication
Doctor-Patient communication
Patient-Family communication
Informed Consent
Multimethod Research Methods and Development of New Measurement Tools
- Cognitive interviewing
- Survey Development
- Direct Observation methods
- Measures of communication and quality of life
- Coding health communication conversations
Decision-Making and Decision Aids
- Development of new decision aids
- Treatment decision-making for clinical trials and cancer therapy
- Decision-making for organ and tissue donation for transplantation and research
Content Areas
Organ and tissue donation
Heather M. Gardiner, Ph.D
Director, Office of Community Engaged Research and Practice
Director, Health Disparities Research Lab
Associate Professor
Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences
College of Public Health
Temple University
Research Expertise
Interpersonal Health Communication
Communication skills
Training and assessment
Community Engaged Research
Community engagement
Community Health Workers
Engagement assessment
Program Development
Mixed method approaches
Program implementation and evaluation
Content Areas
Organ and tissue donation and transplantation
Living kidney donation
Health equity